argh. stressed up.
piano exam in exactly a mths' time frm today. sucks. ARGH.
ballet exam on 27th sept. i can just kill myself if it clashes wiv first paper of eoy exams. KILL MYSELF =.=
nxt, argh. whatever lah. today's like last day of the fireworks thingy. wanted to watch wiv my ypsb peeps. den , nv go. argh. i was too slpy lah..
zzzz. tmr still must wake up at 7am . 8am must report in sch. ARGH . SUNDAY LEH!!!. dam. =.=
i shall post a foto every post i write now =)
and for today, its me and leon =))

nAH! shi chie. give u ur foto!. =)

happy ? -smiles. thank me kk! =)
piano exam in exactly a mths' time frm today. sucks. ARGH.
ballet exam on 27th sept. i can just kill myself if it clashes wiv first paper of eoy exams. KILL MYSELF =.=
nxt, argh. whatever lah. today's like last day of the fireworks thingy. wanted to watch wiv my ypsb peeps. den , nv go. argh. i was too slpy lah..
zzzz. tmr still must wake up at 7am . 8am must report in sch. ARGH . SUNDAY LEH!!!. dam. =.=
i shall post a foto every post i write now =)
and for today, its me and leon =))

nAH! shi chie. give u ur foto!. =)

happy ? -smiles. thank me kk! =)
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